How to write narrative essay
What Are Some Good Argument Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Child labor Essay
Youngsters are the eventual fate of the country. They are blossoms of our national nursery. It is our obligation to secure these blossoms. Kid work is a financial issue. Youngster work is certainly not another marvel in India. From old occasions, kids were required to accomplish some work either at home or in the field alongside their folks. In any case, we find in Manusmriti and Arthashastra that the lord made training for each kid, kid or young lady, obligatory. In those days there was an arrangement of exchange of kids, who were bought and changed over to slaves by certain individuals. The issue of youngster work was recognized as a significant issue in the nineteenth century when the primary plant was begun in mid-nineteenth century. Administrative measures were first embraced as ahead of schedule as 1881. Since freedom there have been a few laws and guidelines in regards to youngster work. Youngster work has been characterized as any work done by the kids so as to financially benefits their family or themselves straightforwardly or in a roundabout way, at the expense of their physical, mental or social turn of events. Kid is the loveliest formation of nature. Be that as it may, it is the conditions which constrain them to hard work. They need to gain business from youth, halting their psychological turn of events. The country endures an overal deficit of their ability as develop grown-ups. Youngster work is a worldwide issue. It is progressively normal in immature nations. Youngster work, overall, is an issue of poor and dejected families, where guardians can't bear the cost of training of their kids. They need to rely upon the winning of their kids. The commonness of kid work is a smear on society. It is a national disrespect that a huge number of youngsters in this nation need to spend a significant piece of their day by day schedule in risky works. The issue of youngster work in India is the aftereffect of conventional mentalities, urbanization, industrialisation, relocation, absence of training, and so on. Be that as it may, outrageous destitution is the fundamental driver of youngster work. As per the UNICEF, India is said to have the biggest number of world’s working youngsters. Over 90% of them live in rustic regions. The support rate in rustic urban zones isâ 6.3% and 2.5% separately. As indicated by an ongoing report, 17 million kids in our nation are occupied with procuring their business. This comprises 5% of the all out youngster populace of the country. It is around 33% of the all out youngster workers of the world. In India, working youngsters are occupied with various composed and sloppy parts, both rustic and urban territories. In provincial part, kids are occupied with field ranches, residential occupations, ranger service, angling and house industry. In urban segment they are utilized at houses, shops, eateries, little and huge enterprises, transport, correspondence, carports, and so forth. In India, working youngsters are additionally independently employed as paper, milk young men, shoeshine young men, cloth pickers, cart pullers, and so on. About 78.71% of kid laborers are occupied with development and farming, 6.3% are utilized in angling, chasing and manor, 8.63% in assembling, handling, fixes, house industry, and so on., 3.21% in development, transport, stockpiling, correspondence and exchange and 3.15% in different administrations. Kid Labor is misused in a few different ways. Inclination of youngster work by numerous businesses is chiefly because of the way that it is modest, safe and with no obligation. Numerous youngsters take up the activity due to the non-accessibility of schools in their territories and in this way as opposed to sitting inactive, they want to go to work. Lack of education and obliviousness of guardians is likewise a significant factor. These guardians don't consider youngster work as malevolent. Kid workers need to work more than grown-up laborers. They are abused by their bosses. There are a few sacred and lawful arrangements to ensure working youngsters. At present there are 14 significant acts and laws that give lawful security to the working youngsters. In any case, the shades of malice of youngster work is on the expansion. The greatest reason behind its spread is neediness. It can't be totally killed from society except if its underlying driver isn't tended to. Youngster work sustains neediness. Youngster work is financially unsound, mentally sad and morally off-base. It ought to be carefully prohibited. The general improvement in financial states of individuals will bring about progressive end of kid work.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Importance of Employability Skills free essay sample
Understanding the significance of the client and giving elevated expectations of client care in spite of the fact that the point of an agent is to sell Printex distributed items and printing administrations it is additionally critical to put the clients needs first and give consumer loyalty by offering just to for fill a genuine requirement for them this will help guarantee resale and improve marketing projections over the long haul in this manner it is significant that the competitor understands the adequacy of this strategy. Experience inside a business position is significant as it explains that the applicant can perform and will be a resource for Printex, an accomplished salesman has the information implicit and ready to carry new plans to the table that work dependent on past experience. Cooperation aptitudes: equipped for cooperating through targets to arrive at a shared objective, it has been demonstrated that theirs a great deal of exercises to be learnt by functioning as group workers frequently improve their aptitudes by watching progressively experienced individuals which will expand deals representative’s capacity to sell over the long haul. We will compose a custom article test on The Importance of Employability Skills or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Essential I. T abilities: ready to utilize a PC to store and send data successfully. The PC is a crucial instrument for a business division so as to monitor marketing projections which will be utilized to keep tally of the salary through deals alongside refreshing the client database and conveyance subtleties that should be recorded and sent to the offices included in this way it is indispensable that the competitor Learning abilities: open to new methods and aptitudes and being set up to contribute time to prepare and learn them. Preparing ought to be a nonstop procedure planned for improving and creating abilities that will expand their viability and lift deals so as to profit by preparing workers must be intellectually ready to get new aptitudes rapidly along a craving to learn. The Importance of Employability Skills free exposition test Understanding the significance of the client and giving exclusive requirements of client care despite the fact that the point of an agent is to sell Printex distributed items and printing administrations it is likewise critical to put the clients needs first and give consumer loyalty by offering just to for fill a genuine requirement for them this will help guarantee resale and improve marketing projections over the long haul along these lines it is significant that the up-and-comer understands the viability of this technique. Experience inside a business position is significant as it explains that the applicant can perform and will be an advantage for Printex, an accomplished salesman has the information inherent and ready to carry new plans to the table that work dependent on past experience. Cooperation aptitudes: fit for cooperating through destinations to arrive at a shared objective, it has been demonstrated that theirs a great deal of exercises to be learnt by filling in as group workers frequently improve their aptitudes by watching increasingly experienced individuals which will expand deals representative’s capacity to sell over the long haul. We will compose a custom paper test on The Importance of Employability Skills or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Essential I. T abilities: ready to utilize a PC to store and send data viably. The PC is an indispensable device for a business office so as to monitor marketing projections which will be utilized to keep tally of the pay through deals alongside refreshing the client database and conveyance subtleties that should be recorded and sent to the divisions included in this manner it is fundamental that the competitor Learning aptitudes: open to new strategies and abilities and being set up to contribute time to prepare and learn them. Preparing ought to be a constant procedure planned for improving and creating aptitudes that will build their adequacy and lift deals so as to profit by preparing workers must be intellectually ready to get new abilities rapidly along a longing to learn.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Alumni Information COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Alumni Information COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I was recently speaking with our Director of Alumni Relations about some various topics and she said she was working on a short list of notable alumni for a project. I asked for a copy and she was happy to pass it along. SIPA has over 16,000 alumni living in 150 countries around the world an incredibly powerful networking tool for students and graduates. The list below is divided by concentration area. INTERNATIONAL SECURITY POLICY Madeleine K. Albright (Certificate ’68), Former U.S. Secretary of State; Principal, The Albright Group LLC Victor Cha (MIA ’88), Former Director for Asian Affairs, National Security Council; Associate Professor of Government and D.S. Song-Korea Foundation Chair, Georgetown University Daniel Fried (MIA ’77), Assistant Secretary, European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Dept. of State; Former U.S. Ambassador to Poland Francesco Mancini (MIA ’03), Associate, International Peace Institute George Tenet (MIA ’78), Former Director, CIA; Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy, Georgetown University HUMAN RIGHTS Frederick Abrahams (MIA ’95), Senior Researcher, Human Rights Watch Scott Campbell (MIA ’95), Executive Director, Elton John AIDS Foundation Malika Dutt (MIA ’86), Executive Director and Founder of Breakthrough: Building Human Rights Culture. Malika testified before the House Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight, along with actress Nicole Kidman, UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador. Their testimony was to encourage passage of the International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA), which seeks to ensure that the fundamental right to live a life free from violence can become a reality for the world’s women. Priscilla Hayner (MIA ’93), Director, Peace and Justice Program; Director, Geneva Office, International Center for Transitional Justice Judy Cheng-Hopkins (MIA ’78), Assistant High Commissioner, UNHCR Geneva Rochelle Fortier Nwadibia (MIA ’82), Attorney at Law. Rochelle has won two major cases in asylum law, one of which, Mohammed v. Gonzales, is the leading federal appellate case on female genital mutilation as grounds for asylum. Her second major refugee case was Ndom v. Ashcroft, where Rochelle successfully petitioned for asylum for a Senegalese man fleeing political persecution. Both these cases are positioned quite prominently in global refugee law, notes Nwadibia. Foreign courts are citing our courts in taking the lead in these cases. Ana Cutter Patel (MIA ’98), Deputy Director, International Policymakers, International Center for Transitional Justice INTERNATIONAL FINANCE ECONOMIC POLICY Christian Deseglise (MIA ’90), Managing Director-Global Head of Emerging Markets, HSBC Global Asset Management Kirstin Frivold (EMPA ’03), Vice President, Goldman Sachs Co. Jong-ho Kyun (MIA ’00), Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of South Korea James Leitner (MIA ’77), President, Falcon Management Corporation Bart Oostervled (MIA ’97), Senior Vice President, Moody’s Project Infrastructure ENERGY ENVIRONMENT Anna Giovinetto (MIA ’02), Vice President, Public Affairs, Noble Environmental Power Lloyd Kass (MPA ’98), Director of Energy Department, NYC Housing Authority Kedin Kilgore (MPA ’95), Head, Global Environmental Markets, JP Morgan Chase Marcus Tripp (MIA ’99), Vice President, Business Development, Exxon Mobil, Libya, Ltd. Qian Wang (ESP-MPA ’03), Deputy Director, State Environmental Protection Administration, Beijing ECONOMIC POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT Andrea S. Camoens (MIA ’97), Manager of Emerging Markets Group. John Melone Deidrick (MIA’ 85), Country Representative, Cambodia, Population Services International. John Lockwood (MIA ’97), Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity New York. Monique Pierre-Antoine (PEPM ’94), Chief of the Poverty Unit, UNDP, Haiti. Karen Paulina Poniachik (MIA ’90), Chile’s Special Envoy to the OECD URBAN SOCIAL POLICY Alisa Blum (MPA ’00), Manager of Field Operations, National League of Cities’ Center for Federal Relations Diana Bruce (MPA ’97), Director of Policy and Government Affairs, AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth and Families Neil Hernandez (MPA ’98), Commissioner, Department of Juvenile Justice Diego Andres Molano (MPA ’00), CEO, Water and Sanitation Company, Bogota, Colombia David Saltzman (MPA ’86) Executive Director, Robin Hood Foundation
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Write the Nuclear Symbol of an Element
This worked problem demonstrates how to write nuclear symbols for isotopes of a given element. The nuclear symbol of an isotope indicates the number of protons and neutrons in an atom of the element. It does not indicate the number of electrons. The number of neutrons is not stated. Instead, you have to figure it out based on the number of protons or atomic number. Nuclear Symbol Example: Oxygen Write the nuclear symbols for three isotopes of oxygen in which there are 8, 9, and 10 neutrons, respectively. Solution Use a periodic table to look up the atomic number of oxygen. The atomic number indicates how many protons are in an element. The nuclear symbol indicates the composition of the nucleus. The atomic number ( the number of protons) is a subscript at the lower left of the symbol of the element. The mass number (the sum of protons and neutrons) is a superscript at the upper left of the element symbol. For example, the nuclear symbols of the element hydrogen are: 11H, 21H, 31H Pretend that the superscripts and subscripts line up on top of each other: They should do it this way in your homework problems, even though its not printed that way in this example. Since its redundant to specify the number of protons in an element if you know its identity, its also correct to write: 1H, 2H, 3H Answer The element symbol for oxygen is O and its atomic number is 8. The mass numbers for oxygen must be 8 8 16; 8 9 17; 8 10 18. The nuclear symbols are written this way (again, pretend the superscript and subscript are sitting right on top of each other beside the element symbol):168O, 178O, 188O Or, you could write: 16O, 17O, 18O Nuclear Symbol Shorthand While its common to write nuclear symbols with the atomic massâ€â€the sum of the number of protons and neutronsâ€â€as a superscript and atomic number (the number of protons) as a subscript, theres an easier way to indicate nuclear symbols. Instead, write the element name or symbol, followed by the number of protons plus neutrons. For example, helium-3 or He-3 is the same as writing 3He or 31He, the most common isotope of helium, which has two protons and one neutron. Example nuclear symbols for oxygen would be oxygen-16, oxygen-17, and oxygen-18, which have 8, 9, and 10 neutrons, respectively. Uranium Notation Uranium is an element often described using this shorthand notation. Uranium-235 and uranium-238 are isotopes of uranium. Each uranium atom has 92 atoms (which you can verify using a periodic table), so these isotopes contain 143 and 146 neutrons, respectively. Over 99 percent of natural uranium is the isotope uranium-238, so you can see that the most common isotope isnt always one with equal numbers of protons and neutrons.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Utilitarianism Can Not Be Defended Against The Injustice...
In this essay, I will argue that utilitarianism cannot be defended against the injustice objection. Utilitarians may be able to reply to the injustice objection in some cases by invoking one of two replies, the ‘Long term consequences’ reply, in which utilitarians will avoid unjust actions that increase short-term utility because in the long-term they will not lead to the greatest good. The other reply that may help utilitarianism avoid injustice in some cases is the ‘Secondary principles’ reply, where some rule-based principles such as not murdering (because it generally decreases happiness) may avoid injustice.. However, I will focus on the ‘bite the bullet’ objection, which states that when we do not know what the long term consequences†¦show more content†¦An example of this is in the case of R v Dudley and Stephens (1884), where Dudley, Stephens, and Brookes ate the cabin boy Parker, after they were shipwrecked for 24 days at sea. Although this act maximised utility for the most people, Parker’s rights were infringed upon as he did not agree to being killed and eaten. Therefore when we add up the pain and pleasures of all those affected we may end up infringing someone’s rights. The act that maximises utility may cause unhappiness and misery for the minority. There are three standard replies to the injustice objection. The first being the ‘Long term consequences’ objection, where a person following utilitarianism is not obligated to commit an injustice, and that person should take into account the long term consequences of their actions. An example I would like to refer to is the harvesting organs example. Where there are five sick people in hospital and they all need organ transplants, at the same time a sixth patient is undergoing a routine checkup. A transplant surgeon finds that the only way of saving the five would be to kill the sixth person and harvest their organs. Utilitarianism would state that we should harvest the organs of person 6 without his permission to save the lives of the five other people who are dying. A utilitarian would explain that the action of harvesting the organs ofShow MoreRelatedCan Utilitarianism Be Defended Against The Injustice Objection?1361 Words  | 6 PagesCan Utilitarianism be defend ed against the Injustice Objection?  In this essay, I will argue that utilitarianism cannot be defended against the injustice objection. Utilitarians may be able to reply to the injustice objection in some cases by invoking one of two replies, the ‘Long term consequences’ reply, in which utilitarians will avoid unjust actions that increase short-term utility because in the long-term they will not lead to the greatest good. The other reply that may help utilitarianismRead MoreCustomer Perception on Buying House5873 Words  | 24 PagesPrinciples of Ethical Reasoning Adapted from Business Ethics, Concepts and Cases: Manuel Velasquez (2006) Prentice Hall Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a general term for any view that holds that actions and policies should be evaluated on the basis of the benefits and costs they will impose on society. In any situation, the â€Å"right†action or policy is the one that will produce the greatest net benefits or the lowest net costs (when all alternatives have only net costs). Many businessesRead MoreEssay on Capital Punishment2824 Words  | 12 Pagescommit murder should suffer and be punished for their inexcusable action(s). The principles of retributivism suggest that a convicted murderer should be executed because they â€Å"deserve†and â€Å"have earned†the death sentence. 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The development of each scholarly group and the explanations for their attitudes toward each other are dealt with in Part I below.  The debate within tort scholarship can be both compared and contrasted with scholarly discussions concerning the law of crimes. In the modern era many analysts have emphasized deterrence as a primary goal of the criminal law. Others have evaluated the criminal law in terms of the goal ofRead MoreAppearance Discrimination in Employment22039 Words  | 89 Pagesdiscrimination in employment, the presence of â€Å"preferring the pretty†, and then the authors examine important civil rights laws that relate to such forms of discrimination. Finally, the authors apply ethical theories to determine whether such discrimination can be seen as moral or immoral. Design/methodology/approach – It is a legal paper which covers all the laws related to discrimination based on look. Court cases and Americans laws related to this concept are reviewed and critically discussed. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Paper on Euthanasia Free Essays
The term ‘euthanasia’ according to the 2007 guidelines on euthanasia published by the American Veterinary Medical Association is derived from the Greek term eu meaning good and thanato meaning death, combining the two Greek words, euthanasia means good death. However, the definition was applied to animal with the concept that if animals life is to be taken, it should be done with the highest degree of respect and with an emphasis on making death as pain less and distress free as possible. For some patients who had been suffering from illness and had bed ridden for a long period of time, death is better than to live having that kind of situation. We will write a custom essay sample on A Paper on Euthanasia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some even prayed that God take their lives, as they are themselves tired of their condition so they beg that they had better be dead. I would say that euthanasia is humane act as death is inevitable for everyone. Those who are suffering extreme pain or are brain dead with hopeless chance of survival must be given option be they wished to die. Euthanasia or painless death should be an option for the patient with terminal illness as part of their last will. Generally Euthanasia is the deliberate killing by act of omission of the immediate family member being for the patient alleged benefit. Voluntary euthanasia however means that the person has requested to be killed; physician assisted euthanasia is when doctor assisted the patient to kill him or herself. This subject is a good topic because it is a real ethical issue that the society is facing. Based on the recent development on the study of euthanasia, American doctors find it a competent way of easing a patient of the pain and struggle caused by his or her terminal illness. Ian Dowbiggin pointed out that with diagnosis and prognosis more accurate; physicians were able to with fair probability whether a patient was unlikely to recover (p. 5). Thus, according to Dowbiggin doctors â€Å"could now propose active euthanasia†particularly on patients with hopeless chance of recovery. Evaluation Everyone will surely die but the manner by which death comes differs and at a different age. Euthanasia is truly a good death because patients are first given relief from pain before administering a lethal dose of morphine or chloroform that would allow a painless death of the patient. It is quite common that despite of the modern life saving technology many people are extremely suffering from terminal illness, in which the only thing that technology can do is to prolong the patient’s life, which eventually will also end in death. I believed that the quality of death by euthanasia is one that is with dignity, as the patient’s remaining life was treated with highest degree of respect by emphasizing on painless death. Prolonging the sufferings of patient from terminal illness reduces the quality and dignity of his life and increases the level of the patient’s suffering. In the words of Shai Joshua Lavi, the purpose euthanasia society was to â€Å"relieve needless human suffering†(p. 120) Citing the ESA (Euthanasia society of America) statement, Lavi stated that euthanasia is the lawful termination of human life by painless means for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary suffering under adequate safeguard. However, regardless of the quality of death by euthanasia, it remains morally a criminal act to take someone’s life. Euthanasia is humanistic argument, which view life based on secular perspective. Life is sacred and God has the right to take it back, and euthanasia is not an excuse to escape the consequence of humanity’s sin that made human body vulnerable to disease. Comparing the good and the bad side, the effectiveness and ineffectiveness, its best and its worst, the competency and in competency, and its success and unsuccessfulness, Euthanasia has been widely thought to have bad impact on society rather than good. The proponents of those who favor euthanasia emphasized that it good for terminally ill patient while the greater majority claims euthanasia is a crime on human life. Thus, efforts by proponents of euthanasia were mostly unsuccessful than success. During the earlier period prior to World War I, Dowbiggin noted that many people supports doctors administering euthanasia on terminally ill patient. Perhaps euthanasia’s best were widely recognized than its worst, however with improve technology this has been reversed. In most comparison, today’s generation oppose euthanasia, and cast their opinion against it. Evaluative Claim Looking at the positive and negative aspect of I would say that euthanasia is a better option not only for the patient but also for the love ones who are directly affected by the circumstances surrounding the patient’s illness. With out congress-enacted law on euthanasia, it will remain an ethical debate whether or not it will be allowed. However, based on reality of the situation of terminally ill patient, Euthanasia is a competent option for the benefit of the patient who wished for it. The criteria on which euthanasia has to be administered have been quite clear. Patients with terminal illness and whose chance of survival is hopeless, is suffering from extreme pain, and is begging for his or her death are qualified applicant. According to Derek Humphry, the quality of life is vital and if the body is destroyed by disease that is not worth living (p. 90). Humphry noted that it is an intensely individual decision which should not be thwarted†(p. 90) Evidence that the subject meet the criteria is that those that had assessed or had performed euthanasia in all parts of the world that had been convicted was either paroled, or released. Humphry pointed out that in some strongest places; tolerance for euthanasia appears (p. 4) Evidence suggest that the lack of specific laws of many countries regarding euthanasia, means it meets the criteria. Work Cited Dowbiggin, Ian. A Merciful End: The Euthanasia Movement USA: Oxford University Press, 2003 Humphry, Derek. The Good Euthanasia Guide 2004: Where, What, and Who in Choices in Dying. USA: Norris Lane Press, 2004. Lavi, Joshua Shai. A History of Euthanasia in the United States. USA: Princeton University Press, 2005. AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia June 2007.  How to cite A Paper on Euthanasia, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Development of Noras and Torvalds relationship Essay Example For Students
Development of Noras and Torvalds relationship Essay A Dolls House was initially written towards the nearing of the twentieth century by Henrik Ibsen. A time when time-old tradition and good social behaviors we only tolerated and the family circle was a sacred institution in which both husband and wife lived with certain codes; dignity that was the norm. As a result this play did not receive the welcome it deserved as a reflection of the reality it depicted: deceit, dissatisfaction, lust, misunderstanding; etc. Since the play reflects society the audience can easily relate to the play and thus feel as though they are a part, therefore his writing techniques are noteworthy in relation to the effect it has. Considering the opening of the play in which were given the impression that theyre a happily married couple, a family of love. Both supporting one another, living an honest life where Helmer is presented as being the prefect husband and Nora the perfect wife. I believe Ibsen has been able to skillfully set about the play in a manner that makes us believe there is a somewhat a tranquil atmosphere. This later can be contrasted against the developing sinister truths that emerge with regards their relationship; could quite possibly draw attention to the problems as dramatically and seemingly a small issue a couple that have been married for eight years split each going their separate ways. Healthful relationships of that of a husband and a wife have certain features and characteristics and a relationship one like that of a father and a child between the couple cant be reflective of those features and as a result cant be good for the marriage. With Nora from the outset pretending to be the submissive darling wife to her husband has but left the audience understanding her true nature. Shes anything but a prefect wife and could pass of as a wife-in-training or a juvenile as shes also seem in her husbands eyes, but to him decorated in his eyes of lust. Pops the bag of Macaroons in her pocket and wipes her mouth, determined to get rid of all evidence from her husband that she has been secretly indulging in contraband sweet. A grown women sharing a vaguely innocent trait as that of a child, in the same scene Helmer goes over to her and takes her playfully by the ear its as if he is the dominant one, as if hes the father and Nora the blissful child. But Nora isnt all that green and takes advantage of his paternalism because it may seem that she enjoys being a spoiled little child who is a little spendthrift. Helmer and Nora are both dominant in their relationship although one more power in their own domain, with Helmer is his capability of bringing money in the relationship, hes the bread-winner, hes just been made vice-president of the bank and hell be getting a big salary and lots of percentages, talking boastfully of her husbands new found wealth Nora goes on to her friend. Therefore it quite easy to see his control over Nora financially. Nora acknowledges the fact she knows he prides himself on his achievements and capabilities as she says hes so proud of being a man itd be so painful and humiliating to know he owed anything to me. It would completely wreck our relationship. The above claim also is indicative of the fact Noras behavior may be due to in keeping with her husbands need of maintaining his egocentric self importance. She also shows shes not all that naive and insightful as she shows knowledge of the importance for her to feel important and the consequence this life we have built together would no longer exist. This suggests their relation is superficial with not strong foundation of trust, true understating and love. Still, its not fair to conclude that Nora doesnt have as much to benefit as does Helmer form the way their relationship is although it will not be long-lasting. She uses her beauty, her seductive powers in order to win over her husband. .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 , .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .postImageUrl , .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 , .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647:hover , .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647:visited , .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647:active { border:0!important; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647:active , .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647 .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6b6782731f2555ef85d08bdbd6b77647:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child development EssayPlays with his coat button; not looking at him and then she throws her arms around his neck. Nora in this regard I believe to be very clever, her ability to fulfill her desire and want financially is incredible but it also more than that. When it no longer pleases him to see me dance and dress up and play the fool for him it might be useful to have something up my sleeves. Therefore Nora is doing it for as long as it last and just trying to get her cut. And as a result shes not hundred percent devoted to her husband never the less she still loves her family. Its in the third scene we starts to see a different side to both Nora and Helmer. He says of her my most treasured possession one whom he can exploit and use seems he possess her. When I saw you dance the Tarantella like huntress a temptress my blood grew hot I seized you and dragged you down The feeling a child and parent like relationship is lost in his scene and strength off a womans sexual affinity to a man. The little squirrel or sky lark or songbird was suddenly transformed right before his eyes into a distractingly beautiful young women. In this act the artificial curtain of innocence is lifted and it comes under the spot light and the truth is revealed and Helmer no longer sees Nora as a child but a women. Showing he truly different love her just what she represented, beauty, fantasy and practically served as amusement, without any strings attached and trouble-free. In eight whole years we have never exchanged a serious word on a serious subject. This is when truth was revealed and their long awaited characteristics were finally defined at this climax. And its after this point they have their first and final talk at first it seemed to all fun and games now its serious he even dares to refer to her as a wretched women. All those childlike references were gone and Helmers real side revealed. He believes that she should take responsibility for what she has done; he no longer wants to protect her. His good name meant more to him than his wife. People may think I was behind it I may quite easily be suspected. Its after this point all goes bad, Im saved the exclaims in relief and tries to reverse the mood that destroyed an eight year old marriage. He goes back to calling her poor little Nora moreover he says lean on me but Nora finally understands the truth and what she has to do. She says I can no longer be married to such a man, not out of spite for him but in order to discover herself. Yes, Torvald. Ive changed, says Nora. This is clear Nora has grown up the little skylark; little bird has spread her wings for the first time. She has sudden new opinions of herself, no longer will she simply over taste in everything, she wants her own memory so to speak. She believes shes been your doll wife and at the cost of sacrificing her childrens relationship to order to discover herself. Torvald is left in the middle. To conclude, it would be fair to say that their relationship has not at all developed in a posative way. And great revelations have been made with regards to the truth of twentieth century marriages.
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